Al Carlisle (1937 - 2018)

     The majority of Al Carlisle's career was as a psychologist at the Utah State Prison from which he retired as the head of the Psychology Department in 1989.  Al Carlisle performed the first psychological assessment of Ted Bundy in 1976 while Ted Bundy was being held for a 90 day evaluation at the Utah State Prison.

     Al was also a consultant for the Salt Lake Rape Crisis Center for several years and hosted workshops on serial homicide and other crime topics.  

     He conducted extensive research on serial killers and interviewed the Hi Fi killers, Arthur Gary Bishop, Westley Allan Dodd, Keith Jesperson, Ted Bundy and many others. Specialties include Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder).

     Dr. Carlisle was born and raised in Utah and received a BS and MS from Utah State University and a PhD. in clinical psychology from Brigham Young University.

Carrie Anne Keller, anthropologist, acted as his agent and helped get his four books published.